Personal Injury Blog for Woodland Hills Accident Victims
Accidents between cars and bicycles are all too common. In any contest between a car and a bicycle, the car always wins. One issue that arises often is the insurance company’s claim that the cyclist was riding in the wrong direction on the sidewalk or crosswalk. Is this a proper argument and defense to an injury claim from a bicyclist?…Read More
Agreements to keep bodily injury settlements are common when one of the parties to the settlement does not want the terms or the facts of a settlement to be disclosed publically. Usually the request for confidentiality is made by a business or a medical professional that does not want news of a settlement, where they pay damages, to be made…Read More
Recent insurance company schemes include a return to an old ploy of sending a claims representative to the home of an accident victim within days of a collision, waiving dollars in front of them. They promise the victims and their families that in exchange for a signature on a release form, they'll get a few hundred dollars right now and…Read More
When you're seriously injured in a car accident and begin looking for a Los Angeles auto accident attorney, it's easy to get overwhelmed very quickly. Between the pages of Google results and the recommendations from loved ones, how are you supposed to know who is the best? One key thing to remember: No one lawyer is going to be the…Read More
Everyone knows that liability insurance is required when you own or drive a car. In California, the minimum liability insurance coverage provides $15,000.00 of coverage per person and $30,000.00 per accident. This protects you from bodily injury damage claims if you are at fault for an accident up to those limits. But, what happens if someone else causes an accident…Read More
Allstate Insurance was recently fined $10 million for the improper use of the computer program known as Colossus in evaluating injury claims. Colossus is a program used by Allstate and a some other insurance companies to evaluate bodily injury claims. In this program, claims representatives enter data from a claim, such as the nature of claimed injuries, and other essential…Read More
I read a recent Appellate Court decision involving Mercury Insurance and its handling of a first party claim of one of their own insureds. What was surprising is that in this case, the Justices of the Appellate Court in California said what I and all of my colleagues have known for years about insurance company abuse of its claimants and…Read More
Occasionally, I meet with a prospective client in my office, and he or she is obviously torn about pursing a claim for their injuries and damages. On one hand, they are obviously injured and suffering from injuries received in an incident that was caused by another person. On the other hand, they don’t want to be seen as one of…Read More