Personal Injury Blog for Woodland Hills Accident Victims
I am always amazed at the courage and dignity of my clients who go ahead with surgery or other invasive medical treatments on their spines or other body parts. I am also amazed at the courage and dignity of my clients who refuse surgery and accept the new reality of their post-injury circumstances and who find ways to live with…Read More
How to get past the "Trivial Defect" argument in your trip and fall claim. Any trip and fall can cause catastrophic injuries. Such falls can result in fractures of hands, arms, collarbones, knees and other extremities. They can also cause skull fractures and brain injuries. For older people, injuries such as hip fractures are common and can cause a rapid…Read More
Most motor vehicle collisions that cause drivers and passengers to be injured are not high-speed collisions. Most are low and moderate speed collisions. Why is this important? Insurance companies and their attorneys have long been engaged in a deceptive campaign to claim that low-speed collisions do not cause injuries. The truth is that the speed of the vehicles and the…Read More
Prove the other driver is lying with data from his own car. The nighmare case for both attorneys and accident victims is where there are no independent witnesses in the case of a serious crash and the driver of the other car swears that he had the right of way and he was not speeding. Let's say you were making…Read More
Lawyers are generally held in very low regard. Why is this? The biggest misconception about lawyers is, unfortunately, well deserved and has been earned by too many attorneys: That we're a bunch of money grubbing leaches on society. It is not just that the job of any attorney is to represent a client's interests as vigorously as possible makes us…Read More
Hit by a car while crossing the street mid-block? Don't let them accuse you of J-Walking If you are hit by a car while crossing the street outside of a crosswalk, is it automatically your fault? In most cases, a person hit by a car under these circumstances is accused of "J-walking" and is accused by police and insurance companies…Read More
New in 2018 in California: you must wear an available seatbelt, even if you are riding in a commercial bus In 2018, you can receive a fine of $20 for failing to wear a seatbelt while you are a passenger riding in a commercial bus. You can expect bus drivers to warn all passengers to buckle up!Read More
2017 California Law Bans Use of Handheld Devices While Driving Beginning January 1, 2017 California will ban the use of handeld devices by the operator of a motor vehicle. This is another step in the efforts of the state of California to rein in the increasing number of accidents and serious injuries caused by distracted drivers. What this means to…Read More
Starting September 16, 2014, bicycle riders will get a buffer zone requiring that cars and trucks stay at least three feet away from them while riding on streets and other roadways. Before, drivers were required to pass bicycles at a "safe distance." But the law was too vague and not specific enough. Anyone that rides a bicycle on our streets…Read More
A Defense Medical Examination or "DME" Is Used by the Defense to Prepare for Trial in Your Personal Injury Case. Insurance companies call them "Independent Medical Examinations." (IMEs); However, they are anything but independent. Under California law the Defendant in a personal injury case has the right to have the Plaintiff examined by a doctor of his own choosing. Theoretically,…Read More