Tell The Readers A Little Bit About Your Experiences In Dealing With These Insurance Companies And Adjusters Who Use The Tactics Mentioned. How Do You, As My Attorney, Combat These Tricks And Tactics?
My 42 years of experience in personal injury comes in really handy. Number one, insurance companies keep track of lawyers. They know which lawyers actually go to trial. They know which lawyers fold up like wet tissue paper and avoid filing the lawsuits. When they deal with me, they know that I have a long and strong track record of representing my clients all the way through trial. I enjoy it when insurance companies make terrible mistakes when they’re too vigorous in defending their clients.
I don’t care how experienced the claims representative, claims manager, or vice president of claims is, no one in the claims office has as much experience as an expert lawyer. We create opportunities for the insurance company to settle the case fairly because my job is to get the best result for my client. If that’s through settlement, terrific. Nobody wants to go to trial. You build the case and present the evidence. That way, they have ample reasons to look at it in all fairness and honestly say, “You’re right. We owe it. Let’s come to a fair resolution and get the case settled.” However, when an insurance company gets so immersed in their denials of defending the claim that they pass up an opportunity to reasonably and fairly settle a case, I like to open up the insurance company policy. As almost everybody knows, when you buy insurance, you buy a certain level of insurance. Whether you get $15,000, $100,000, or $1 million in coverage for an accident, that’s the limit of what an insurance company has to pay for your claim. If the claim has a value higher than that, they still only owe that policy limit.
However, when an insurance company refuses to settle within that policy limit, and they force you to trial, they have no choice but to pay what the jury decides. If a jury decides that they owe you 10 or 100 times that policy, guess what? The insurance company is going to be on the hook for the entire amount of the judgment. I have been through those many times. I’ve had cases where the defendants had $15,000 policies and the insurance companies did not want to comply when my clients filed claims. We’d present the documentation showing that the clients had serious injuries, high medical bills, and in need of care in the future. Liability’s clear that they should pay the $15,000, and let the clients move on. As a result, I’ve collected hundreds of thousands of dollars from insurance companies that have unreasonably said no. In those cases, they could have initially paid $15,000.
There are plenty of things that a smart, effective, and experienced attorney can do to put pressure on an insurance company to do the right thing and settle the case. If they don’t, making them bear the consequence of their arrogance and denials is what I live for.
Why Do I Need To Hire You To Represent Me Versus Trying To Combat The Insurance Company Or These Tactics On My Own?
It depends on your comfort level when it comes to dealing with the insurance company. It also depends on what’s at stake. If you have small injuries and very little need for medical care, then you can successfully navigate the waters and traps that insurance companies set up for you. You may be able to settle the case just fine on your own. If you make a mistake, if you get a little less than what you could have gotten, you’re dealing with a small amount of money. However, if you have really serious injuries, huge medical bills, and suffer the inability to work, then you should consider hiring an attorney. When you require surgery in the present and future, have lifelong impairments, and dealing with a case that has a value in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even in the millions, there’s just too much to risk.
If you make a mistake, it can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars. You can represent yourself, but should you? Do you want to? If you have any doubt, you don’t have to run out and hire a lawyer. You should, however, interview lawyers. Interview as many as you want until you find someone who’s on the same page as you. It is important to find someone that you believe in, that you trust, and that has the kind of experience and history that demonstrates they have your wellbeing and best interests in mind. Again, you can do it. Some people love the fight. However, when you’re dealing with an insurance company and their well-trained representatives, if you don’t feel competent to meet them on a levelled playing ground and play the game that they are playing, I advise you hire a good lawyer.
For more information on Personal Injury Insurance Laws In California, a personalized consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (818) 530-1770 today.

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