Is It True Commercial Vehicles Or Trucking Companies Tend To Have Significantly Higher Or Larger Insurance Policy Limits Than Individual Motorists? And What Would That Mean For My Case If So?
In almost all cases, trucking companies have significantly larger insurance coverage than individual motorists. Insurance is a way to protect a company and its assets in the event of a serious collision. Large national and multinational companies with millions of dollars in asset need huge insurance policies to protect those assets. From their perspective, insurance is necessary to protect the company itself from the potential of catastrophic claims against them. Companies purchase large insurance policies and insurance companies purchase what is known as reinsurance polices to cover their losses in the event of a catastrophic injury claim.
Is It Worth Going Up Against These Large Trucking Companies, Powerful Insurance Companies To Pay My Medical Bills And Other Costs For Serious Injuries That Are Caused By Their Driver?
Yes, it is absolutely worth going up against large trucking companies, and powerful insurance companies to pay your medical bills and other costs and losses when you suffer serious injuries caused by careless drivers. It does not matter how big the insurance company or government entity is. When the law and the facts are on your side, you are entitled by law to compensation. A good experienced attorney is the greatest equalizer who can level the playing field and give you the representation you need to recover your damages and losses. The size or wealth of the trucking company or insurance company is not a factor you need to worry about when you have a good attorney representing you in your claim against or when suing a huge multi-national or nationwide corporate entity.
What Do I Need To Do To Get Started On A Personal Injury Claim If I’ve Been In An Accident Involving A Truck In Woodland Hills Or The Los Angeles Area?
The first thing you want to do after you have been in a collision is determine if you or anybody else is injured and call an ambulance. You should also demand that law enforcement can come to investigate the collision and write a report to document all parties involved, witnesses, and the facts that will help you establish how the collision occurred and who is at fault. Exchange information with the other driver. Get driver’s license information, the license plate number of the tractor and every trailer being pulled, insurance information and police information, licensing information painted on the side of the truck and photos showing the name of the trucking company painted on the tractor and trailers Document the accident by taking photos of all vehicles involved, from multiple angles, making sure to document the damage to all vehicles, debris in the roadway, the positions of the vehicles where they stopped after the collision and pictures of the roadway and the surrounding area.
Report all injuries to the police and give them a full statement of what occurred. If you are injured, make sure to include that in your account to the police. If you are injured badly enough to require an ambulance ride to a hospital, take the ride to a hospital. Do not speak with or give a statement to any insurance representative for the other party until consulting with your attorney. Lastly, call an experienced attorney to discuss your case, to understand and learn what your rights are and what needs to be done to pursue your claim for damages without making mistakes that could cost you thousands to even millions of dollars.
For more information on Trucking Accidents Law In California, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (818) 530-1770 today.
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