Should I Inform My Insurance Company Of A Collision?
You should inform your insurance company after a collision. Your policy is a contract that typically requires you to report a claim with your insurance company within a certain amount of time. If you do not comply with your insurance policy requirements, you could jeopardize your coverage. So, it is safest to let your insurance carrier know about a claim or a potential claim.
It is also important to inform your insurance company of a collision so that they can investigate the claim, if necessary, to protect you from any claim against you by someone else. Your insurance coverage has two important elements that you want to protect. The first is to defend you in case someone else claims you were at fault. The second is to cover your losses and damages that you may incur in a collision. These coverages may include damage to your car, rental coverage, coverage for your medical bills under your medical payments’ coverage, and coverage for your other losses if the other party has no or very little insurance. If you need to make an uninsured motorist claims because you were hit by an uninsured motorist, most policies require that you to notify the insurance company within 24 hours. As a rule of thumb, if there’s any recovery that you can possibly get under your policy, you want to report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible.
With regard to the other party’s insurance company, the sooner you communicate with them, let them know who you are, that you’re involved in a collision with their insured, and that you have a claim to make, the better. If you’re looking for compensation from the other insurance company, you can’t rely on their insured to contact them. Some people don’t want to report accidents to their insurance company. So, you should contact them, or have your lawyer communicate with them on your behalf.
What Should I Do If The Other Party’s Insurance Company Reaches Out To Me?
If the other party’s insurance company reaches out to you, you should use the opportunity to confirm who they represent, and get the name, address, phone number and claim number of the insurance company and the claims representative that has contacted you. If you were injured in the collision, you should let them know you were injured and that you are seeking medical care. HOWEVER, if you are asked to provide a written or recorded statement you should refuse. JUST SAY NO. If you’re going to have an attorney represent you, have your attorney provide the details to them. Your attorney can tell the insurance company what they need to know. If you are uncomfortable talking to the other insurance company, tell them you will get back to them and call an attorney. Insurance companies seek out your written or recorded statement is to help themselves, not you. They do not seek your statement to help you make your claim. It is not done to help them find them reasons to pay your claim. It is done to help them avoid paying your claim. What you say after a collision to an insurance representative can have serious consequences in how your claim turns out.
It doesn’t mean that you cannot tell them that you were in a collision or that you’re hurt. But, if you’re in a situation where you may be making a claim for bodily injury and you are thinking of retaining a lawyer, it’s okay to tell them that you are retaining a lawyer. If you’re hurt, and they contact you very shortly after the accident, you have the right to tell them that you’re hurt, not feeling well and that it is not the right time to give a statement. You have the right to say no.
How Do You Advise Clients That Want To Handle Their Personal Injury Claim Without An Attorney?
Some cases do not require an attorney. I listen carefully to what my potential client has to say. If a client wants to handle his or her own personal injury claim without an attorney, I advise them on how to approach the matter themselves. I invite them to go to my website,, and download my free book: The 5 Worst Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Injury Claim. [Avoid Them And You May Have A Shot At Winning.] This is a good place to start to understand what happens during the claims process, what is your role in that process, and to get good information so that you can make an informed decision in your potential claim. It also provides information on what to look for in an attorney, what questions to ask an attorney, and what kind of attorney you should avoid.
Truthfully, handling a personal injury claim is not rocket science. You can handle your own claim. The question is not whether you can handle it, the question is whether you should handle your own claim. For most very small claims, you generally do not need to retain an attorney. If you make an error in with your claim, the harm to your claim will be very small. However, if you have a serious injury claim, with lots of medical bills, loss of income, pain, and suffering, and long-term damages, your claim has the potential to be a very large claim. Any error that you make in a large claim can result in the loss of a lot of money. If you are in doubt, contact a lawyer and discuss it with the lawyer, and then decide on the proper course of action.
The insurance company claims representatives know the law, they know their rights, they know your rights, and they know what you are and are not entitled to in your claim. But remember that the other insurance company is not there to help you. The representatives of the other insurance company have a duty to the insurance company, not to you. They are not there to guide you or help you get the best outcome in your claim. In fact, insurance company claims representatives do not even have to tell you the truth. They don’t have to tell you what their insurance policy limits are. They don’t have to tell you about what you’re entitled to claim. They have you at an extreme disadvantage because you are dealing with someone who is paid to pay as little as possible on your claim. Therefore, if you do not have a comfortable and good understanding of what your rights are, what the law is, or what you’re entitled to, you’re at a bad disadvantage. I don’t like to see people taken advantage of under any circumstance, especially when they have been injured. The accident may not have been your fault, but you will be dealing with an insurance company that holds all the cards. So, when in doubt, call an experienced lawyer.
For more information on Informing Insurance About A Collision In CA, a personalized consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (818) 530-1770 today.

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