When Can I Hold a Dog Owner Liable?
Dog bites can be physically painful. Typically, victims of dog attacks will be left with terrible scars and emotional injuries in addition to their physical injuries. If you have been bitten by a dog, you should find out what the law says about holding a dog owner liable for your damages.
In California, you can hold a dog owner liable for dog bite injuries even if the dog has never attacked anyone else before. Regardless of whether the dog has been known to have vicious propensities, you may have a claim for damages. In Los Angeles, there are strict leash laws that exist which means dogs have to be on leashes unless they are pinned up behind the house or in front of the house. Even if you live in an apartment building and another tenant’s dog wasn’t on a leash and attacked you, you may be able to pursue compensation from the owner of the apartment building.
For help pursuing a claim for damages against a dog owner in Southern California, contact the Law Offices of John P. Rosenberg to get the compensation you deserve. Call for a Personalized Consultation today at (818) 530-1770 or contact us online.

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