What Do The Legal Billboard, TV And Radio Advertisers Really Say?
Mostly, they imply that their display of a large number with a dollar sign attached means that they will do the same for you and for everyone that calls. (By the way, every successful personal injury firm, large and small, has had big cases.) While that can and does happen in some personal injury cases for every law firm that handles personal injury cases, in reality the best result in every personal injury case is the result of hard work and taking the time to pay close attention to every single client, including you.
These large personal injury law firms are referred to as “mills”. Why? In the context of a high volume personal injury law practice, a mill is a processing plant where the high volume of cases are processed. In a mill bringing the large volume of cases to a conclusion is the priority. There is simply no time and not enough manpower to provide the time and attention needed to provide the best result for every individual client and case.
Do you really want your important case to be processed? Wouldn’t you rather have an attorney that takes your case personally?
With the high volume of responses to the advertising by legal mills, what do you think happens to YOUR case among all the others?
The most common complaints (by far) from clients who call my office after retaining a mill to represent them in their personal injury cases are:
- I don’t know what is going on in my case.
- I call and call but I can never get the lawyer on the phone.
- I went into their office but they still would not let me meet with my lawyer.
How can your lawyer get you the best result in your case if he or she does not take the time to know you, your needs and learn what is important to you?
Your personal injury case must be as important to your lawyer as it is to you. It’s called a PERSONAL injury case for a reason. Being hurt by someone else’s negligent conduct; suffering pain that requires medical care; dealing with injuries that prevent you from working and taking care of your family is deeply personal.
If you really want the best result in your personal injury case, avoid the billboard, television and radio advertisements. Call a lawyer who understands that for you and your injury case, IT’S PERSONAL.
If you’re still not convinced, consider this: you will never see the very best attorneys in any field of law on billboards or hear about them on radio or see them in television advertisements. We are not looking for a large volume of cases or clients. What we are looking for are a few great clients for whom we can produce great results.
Call Now For A Personalized Consultation
(818) 530-1770