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Plenty of accidents are caused by cars backing up. Sometimes a car travelling in reverse strikes a pedestrian, another vehicle or a pedestrian. This happens most often in parking lots, garages and driveways. The Institute for Highway Safety estimates that nearly 300 people are killed, and 18,000 injured every year by drivers who back up into them. The most vulnerable people for this type of incident are the elderly and children. Larger vehicles pose a greater hazard to pedestrians than small cars.
Parking sensors were developed to provide a warning to pedestrians to alert them to vehicles that shift into reverse and begin to back up. Rear view cameras have improved upon the parking sensor in several ways. Rear view cameras provide the driver of a vehicle with the opportunity to see what is behind them in a manner never before available. In studies comparing vehicles backing up with no assistive technology, parking sensors and a rear view camera, those vehicles with a rear view camera were by far superior in helping drivers avoid striking objects behind them.
Soon rear view cameras will be standard equipment on all new vehicles. What is important is that cars and trucks with rear view cameras save lives an avoid injuries and damages.
John P. Rosenberg has been representing clients
who have suffered serious personal injuries and
accidents for...Read More